...there was a homeschooling family. Them had a pizza to eat but them not like pizza. They liked to read books, especially the daughter. Homeschooling is not the easiest path to take for education but it is the best option for this family. Then the "Z" came and eat all the pizza. Your imagination can go into books. There are challenges but there are also so many rewards to homeschooling. Then the "C" eat ALL the pizza and ate too many pizza and him sick and throw up. A butterfly was in the book and then flew out. The way we homeschool is not with a curriculum but rather Unit Studies. Then the "B" came and ate too much pizza and throwed up. The butterfly jumped all around (in my imagination) the room. Unit Studies can be time consuming to prepare but are totally worth it! Then the "A" come and then him not throw up. And then it [the butterfly] flew out the window. We are doing this blog to help keep us accountable about Unit Studies and also to share the knowledge we have learned. Then them all ate pizza and them not throw up. Then the butterfly flew to Canada and lived happily ever after. You are welcome to join us on this journey of discovery!! It will be chaotic but it should be fun!!!
The Blue is my 3 year old's story
The Pink is my 7 year old's story
The Green is my story
If you want to laugh then read this in its entirety but if you want to get just each story than read only the matching color sentences.
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