Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Take Two...

        It has been SEVEN months since I last wrote!!!  I will admit that writing has never been a strong point of mine.  I was never the kind of kid that wrote in a diary or journal and I didn't really enjoy writing in them at school either (although I was graded for those!).  This blog was created to keep me accountable to schooling my kids regularly, letting family from out of town know about what we are up to, and just plain old self discipline!  I think I am going to expand it a bit though too.  It will now include recipes, lessons the Lord is teaching the family and me, stories and posts from Nahna and Bubby, crafts projects, frugal ideas and ways to make life more organized and easier!  Hubby might even make a guest appearance from time to time.  He is the talented writer in the family!  :)  Take two is now in effect!   

Maybe I need another blog to keep me accountable to writing on this blog...hmmm...

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