Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trips continued....

The next field trip was to the fire station.  I wasn't able to go because I was at the Women's Retreat with the church but Chris, Mimi, Sammy, Nahna, and Bubby all went.  They had a blast!!!  Here are some of the highlights of their fun trip:  

Firewoman Nahna!!
Fireman Bubby!!

Demonstrating how they get people out of the car during accidents!

Daddy had to help control the hose.  There is a lot of force coming from it!!
Doing a great job "putting out fires".

Room with a little bit of fire is one that has built in sprinklers.  The other side has standard smoke alarms.
I'm thinking that smoke alarms aren't as safe as I originally thought!!!
A fun time was had by all!!!  =)

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