Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Taking a few "trips"

October was very busy with the Autumn Unit Study (which is done except for the lapbooks!!!!) and field trips.  Our first field trip was to the Harry and David Factory to see how the candy and Moose Munch is made.  We also saw how they package up the pears and gift boxes.  It was a great time!!  Did you know that they start making the Christmas candies in July right after Independence Day?  Or that Harry and David is actually named after the founder's sons (they eventually took over the company after their father's death in 1914) and they shipped pears all over Europe to the grand hotels and restaurants at first.  When the Great Depression happened they decided to ship their pears everywhere!  We learned so much more too.  It was a great field trip.

Nahna at Harry and David

Making Moose Munch!  Yummy!!

The Moose Munch all mixed and being dumped out!

Making Chocolate Covered Pretzels.

Cookies, pies and bars baking!!
Just a fraction of the entire factory.  This is part of the packing area!

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