Since Thanksgiving is next month and I have a pretty poor attitude lately about everything, I have decided to post one hundred things that I am thankful for by Thanksgiving. Nothing adjusts an attitude quite like thankfulness! So here we go:
1. Jesus-He could be thought of as a "given" but I know that I do not thank Him enough for the enormous sacrifice that He gave for me. He should be the top of my list daily! Without Him, none of the rest of this list would exist!
2. My hubby-I don't appreciate him enough. It is so easy to see all of the faults of the ones you love the most instead of the blessings. He does dishes, takes care of the kids without complaining when I am tired or sick, doesn't control me, and allows me to be me without using or criticizing me like so many others have done in my life. He is an amazing man and my perfect match. These last 10 years have flown by!
3. My Nahna-My beautiful daughter. She is growing and changing so quickly and sometimes I feel like I need a pause button to catch up!! Part little girl and part teenager. It makes for some interesting times! She is so compassionate though and always willing to include others in her circle of friends. There isn't a mean bone in her body (well, except toward her brother and him towards her). It is such a joy to see her heart and character growing. She is fabulous!
4. My Bubby-My sweet, crazy son. A four year old boy can be quite exhausting! They are constantly moving, breaking things, getting dirty, moving some more, and breaking a few more things. Sometimes it can be hard to be thankful in those circumstances. That being said however, he is an absolute sweetheart. I love the cuddles, the toddler speech, watching the way his brain puts things together and the hilarious things that come out of his mouth.
5. My Friends-Without them, I would be lost. They are blessings in my life and I can't imagine life without them!
That is it for now. I can already feel a tingle of change coming my way...